Robots in This, Guys

As you know, Keith and I are currently living in a future filled with with digital art, super-toilets, and delicious sushi.

So it should come as no surprise that this city has something called a "Robot Restaurant," a place that turns up on just about every "Things to Do" list in Tokyo.

Several of my friends have visited this place and have all said the same thing: "Do not eat the food there," and "There are no robots."  These seem like strange things to say about a thing that calls itself  Robot Restaurant--especially since, in the same breath, everyone also said, "You cannot miss it."

And so, Keith and I found our way to the Robot Restaurant for this can't-miss, food-free event.

Although upon arrival, I began to wonder if the words "can't miss" actually meant that you physically can't miss it, since there are GIANT signs literally everywhere you turn for blocks and blocks and blocks...

The first thing we saw upon entering was, thankfully, a bar.  Actually, the first thing we saw upon entering the bar, was this robot playing Cyndi Lauper's classic "Time After Time."

"If you're lost..."

Soon, we were told to make our way down a few flights of stairs to take our seats.


If you want to see the Robot Show (and let me be clear:  You should absolutely see the Robot Show) read no further!

Otherwise, strap in for some crazy.  Warning:  There are flashing lights in some of these videos.  So, if you're prone to seizures, you know what to do.

We were told the show would be in Four Parts.

Part One:
Introduction To Crazy 

Keith and I had front row seats, which seemed exciting at first, until they told us we'd have to lean back so that our heads didn't get chopped off.

That's literally the last thing that made sense.  Soon, we were treated to a barrage of, well, this:

I want to take a moment here to say:  I am not complaining about any of this.  It was awesome, but I literally have no idea what was going on, which brings us to...

A Continuation of Crazy

This one had a storyline...

...and a Kool-Aid man...

...and a not-quite Ninja Turtle... 

Also known as the Nonja Turtle.™

Anyway... Part Two also featured these things.

Once the giant panda showed up to try and stop the Robot Uprising, I decided that photos weren't going to cut it, so I started taking video:

There is so much going on in this show, I can barely report on the bathrooms!

Which of course brings us to:

Jeff Gives Up and Just Shows You Parts 3 & 4

Seriously, what could I possibly add?

You just simply have to see it to believe it.

Also, you still won't believe it.

But seriously.  This show was everything.  Even if it made no sense.

Afterwards, we were allowed to take a photo with one of three robots...

...before we had to get the crap out...

...presumably before our heads exploded, forcing them to delay the next show due to clean-up.

Anyway...holy crap.  Just go see it.  Our new Robot Overlords insist.




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